Sports Gear: The Difference Between Soccer and Baseball Cleats

Sports Gear: The Difference Between Soccer and Baseball Cleats

Technology has since changed how sports gear is made. The new decade has even changed how soccer cleats are made as well as their quality. These were in the past made of leather work boot which had nail studs on the bottom. The modern soccer cleats are being made light weight. However soccer cleats can be made of different materials. That is, leather and synthetics are also ideal for making soccer cleats. Though the best is ones that are light weight, comfortable cleats. They offer support and great traction.

The Difference between Soccer and Baseball Cleats

The difference between soccer cleats and baseball cleats is quite distinct. Baseball cleats are generally designed to dig in the mud or dirty to assist the player. This helps the player to be able to make quicker and explosive push offs. That is they accelerate as they run. Moreover, baseball is not a sport where there is contact with other players, so they not designed to be of contact with other players.
However with football or rather soccer cleats, it is a different design all together. Soccer cleats are designed to dig into the pitch. That is they provide the traction needed on football pitches. Also, this enables them to turn quickly as well as to make cuts and pivots. Usually soccer cleats are made of leather and are heavier compared to other cleats.
Their design provides protection for the foot in the event that they are stepped on considering soccer is a contact sport.

How to Prevent Blisters from Soccer Cleats

Blisters can be painful if not handled properly. Even worse if you have to wear your sports gear with the blister. However, they can be easily dealt with, even without making a trip to the doctor’s office. All you simply need to do is to apply some form of Vaseline or any other lubricant to your skin before putting on your socks.
This will ensure that friction is prevented and by doing so you also prevent blisters from developing. Another precautionary measure you can take to prevent blisters is keeping your feet dry and wearing socks that wick away moisture. This helps to reduce the chances of friction and deal with developing blisters.

The Repair of Soccer Cleats

At some point you may find your soccer cleats torn apart and you may not be ready to part ways with a fortune to buy a new pair. This is a very common scenario in the life of sports people. The good news is you can repair your soccer cleats. The process is fast and has proven to be effective, as long as you first determine which part of your cleats needs to be repaired.
This will depend on whether it is the spikes or studs underfoot, the sole of the shoe, the laces, heel or the insole of your cleats that need attention. The following steps will help you to manage spikes as a separate repair to your cleats.
If you want to repair the damage to your spikes or studs you will need to remove the old one using a cleat wrench and replace with new ones. Moreover, make sure that you tighten the studs into the shoe as tightly as possible to prevent them from breaking or falling out during play.